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Feb 13th

Fun Holiday: 

World Radio Day 


Astronomical events: 

1633 – Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei arrived in Rome for his trial before the Inquisition for professing the belief that the earth revolves around the sun. 



1875 – the first well-documented U.S. birth of quintuplets was five boys born at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Mrs Edna Beecham Kanouse and her husband Edward. Though the babies appeared normally developed, one was stillborn, three died within minutes of delivery, and the remaining one survived only a few hours. 



1990 – the U.S. space probe Voyager I , while heading out to the edge of the Solar System, at 5:12pm PST began a four-hour series of photographs in a look backward which captured the Sun and six planets. An elongated large mosaic was later made by combining about 60 images. In this first “Family Portrait of the Planets”, the Sun appeared almost star-like and the planets were mere dots. 



1895 – a French patent was issued for the Cinématographe, a combined motion-picture camera and projector (No. 245,032). Although the key principle of operation - intermittent feed - was invented by Louis Lumière, it was taken out jointly with his brother Auguste (as was their custom).  



1822 – a U.S. patent was issued for the first practical grass mowing machine to Jeremiah Bailey of Chester county, Pennsylvania, said to mow ten acres a day. It was horse-drawn, and the movement of one of its wheels turned gears to spin a vertical shaft with six scythes laid horizontally above the ground in the form of a complete circle. 

February 11

Feb 11th

October 1

First Friday