Upcoming events.
Upcoming events.
In the calendar you can see events that are scheduled for NWA Space and Science Center.
To request a Birthday party, Star party, STEM night or other outreach, please click to bottom below to go to our Outreach event request form. . Once we receive your request, we will contact you for further discussion and place the event on the calendar.
NWA Space and Science Center Fundraiser at The Bend NWA
Public star party and fundraising event to support the NWA Space and Science Center.
Creekside Middle School star party
Star party for Creekside Elementary hosted by NWA Space and Science Center
Crossroads of the Eclipses Expedition
Explore Scientific trip to see the annular eclipse in Texas.
See Crossroads of the Eclipses Expeditions — Explore Scientific (explorescientificusa.com) for more information.
Moon on Dickson InOMN 2023
NWA Space and Science Center volunteers will set up telescopes on Dickson Street in Fayetteville to celebrate International Observe the Moon Night 2023 and for everyone to observe the stars, planets, and moon.
Annular Eclipse
Annular solar eclipse visible in the central region of the United States, Central America, Columbia and Brazil.
NWA Space star party at Kathleen Johnson Memorial Park
NWA Space and Science Center is happy to announce a series of star parties at the Kathleen Johnson Memorial Park that will be open to the public with telescopes run by local amateur astronomers. The telescopes are available for every to enjoy viewing the night sky.
NWA Space star party at the Kathleen Johnson Memorial Park
NWA Space and Science Center is happy to announce a series of star parties at the Kathleen Johnson memorial park that will be open to the public with telescopes run by local amateur astronomers. The telescopes are available for every to enjoy viewing the night sky.
NWA Space will be supporting a private 37 North Expeditions event in Springfield, MO
Total Lunar Eclipse 11-8-22
Hosting lunar eclipse viewing for students across the region.
Total lunar eclipse visible in North America, South America, Europe and Africa
Total Lunar Eclipse 5-16-22
Total lunar eclipse visible in North America, South America, Europe and Africa
Star Party for ScoutsBSA Troop 314
NWA Space and Science volunteers will host a star party for ScoutsBSA Troop 314
Public Schools Outreach
Board Chair, Dr. Katherine Auld, will attend Career Day at Elmwood Middle School to talk about careers in astronomy.
Stars and Sauce Music Festival
NWA Space and Science Center board members will be helping with telescopes at the festival.
Tickets can be found at the following link. https://stubs.net/event/3601/stars-and-sauce-2022
NWACC ASTR 2004 Observing
NWA Space and Science Center volunteers will help with a star party for NWACC astronomy students along with their friends and families.
NWA Space and Science Center volunteers will provide telescopes and a star party for an event by 37 North Expeditions. Go to https://www.37northexpeditions.com to sign up for the event.
Star Party for Cubscout Pack 3410
NWA Space and Science Center volunteers will host a star party for Cubscout pack 3410
Hike+Astronomy + Dinner
NWA Space and Science Center volunteers will provide telescopes and a star party for an event by 37 North Expeditions. Go to https://www.37northexpeditions.com to sign up for the event.
NWACC ASTR2004 Observation
Star party for the NWACC Astronomy students and their friends or family. We will practice measuring the sky with our hands, view deep sky and solar system objects with telescopes, discuss science, share a night sky tour of the constellations.
Rain date is the following night.
Astronomy for 37 North
NWA Space and Science Center volunteers will provide telescopes and a star party for an event by 37 North Expeditions. Go to https://www.37northexpeditions.com to sign up for the event.
Astronomy on the Square
NWA Space and Science Center volunteers will provide telescopes and a star party for an event by Downtown Bentonville and 37 North Expeditions. Go to https://www.37northexpeditions.com to sign up for the event.
Astronomy + Dinner
NWA Space and Science Center volunteers will provide telescopes and a star party at the end of a 37 North Expeditions hike and dinner. Go to https://www.37northexpeditions.com to sign up for the event.
Moon on Dickson
NWA Space and Science Center volunteers will set up telescopes on Dickson Street in Fayetteville for everyone to observe the stars, planets, and moon.
Stars + S'mores
NWA Space volunteers will provide telescopes after a hike with 37 North Expeditions. Go to https://www.37northexpeditions.com to sign up for the all day event.
Astronomy + Dinner
Nwa Space volunteers will provide telescopes and a star party with dinner after a hike with 37 North Expeditions. Go to https://www.37northexpeditions.com to sign up for the event.
Star Party for Local School
NWA Space will be hosting a Star Party for JO Kelly Middle School in Springdale
Stars + S'mores with 37 North
NWA Space volunteers will provide telescopes after a hike with 37 North Expeditions. Go to https://www.37northexpeditions.com to sign up for the event.